It has always been our primary mission at Team Joseph to fund promising research that will result in treatments for all boys and young men battling Duchenne. When we work smart, leverage each dollar and work in close partnership with scientists, drug development companies, and other foundations, there is the promise for an end to Duchenne.


It has always been our primary mission at Team Joseph to fund promising research that will result in treatments for all boys and young men battling Duchenne. When we work smart, leverage each dollar and work in close partnership with scientists, drug development companies, and other foundations, there is the promise for an end to Duchenne.


What’s in a name?  Well, for us, at Team Joseph, the “team” in Team Joseph is really everything.  When Joseph was diagnosed, we knew that it would take an army of supporters and volunteers and donors to help us make a real, significant impact.  And the same teamwork approach applies to our research funding philosophy.