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How We Fund Research

What’s in a name?  Well, for us, at Team Joseph, the “team” in Team Joseph is really everything.  When Joseph was diagnosed, we knew that it would take an army of supporters and volunteers and donors to help us make a real, significant impact.  And the same teamwork approach applies to our research funding philosophy. We talk to lots of scientists and clinicians, we meet with small bio-tech companies and large pharmaceutical companies.  We work with other Duchenne non-profits to assess research projects and to collaborate on funding. There’s so much work to be done and so many opportunities for progress, we believe at our very core that we’re all better off if we work together.  Someday, when there is the miracle of a treatment or cure for all boys and young men battling Duchenne, there will not be one scientist, one company, or one non-profit that can take singular credit. Victory in this battle will be achieved because we all learned from each other, built upon each other’s successes and learned from each other’s failures.  Now that’s what we call teamwork!


When Joseph was diagnosed, there were only a handful of potential treatments in clinical trial.  Today, there are dozens of clinical trials underway with hundreds of Duchenne patients enrolled. We are proud to have directed millions of dollars into funding research projects, including three clinical trials now underway.